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Browsing by Author "Rskeldiev, B.A."

Browsing by Author "Rskeldiev, B.A."

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  • Abzhanova, Sh.; Baibolova, L.K.; Rskeldiev, B.A.; Berdigaliuly, S. (Almaty technological university, 2018)
    In this article is presented the technology of meat production products combined dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic purpose with an optimal calcium and iron. In modern conditions the development of market economy ...
  • Abzhanova, Sh.А.; Baibolova, L.K.; Matibayeva, A. I.; Zhetpisbaeva, B.Sh.; Rskeldiev, B.A.; Mukhtarkhanova, R.B. (Almaty technological university, 2017)
    This article describes the development of the technology of multi-component brine from soy and pumpkin juice. To create a new recipe sausages and meat semi-finished products used supplements that have a beneficial effect ...
  • Abzhanova, Sh.А.; Bulambayeva, A.A.; Zhetpisbaeva, B.Sh.; Kozhakhiyeva, M.O.; Matibayeva, A.I.; Serikkyzy, M.S.; Rskeldiev, B.A. (Almaty technological university, 2018)
    The purpose of this research was to study the impact of a vegetableprotein composition on the functional and technological properties of national meat products. The paper showed the modern ways to improve the quality and ...

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