Репозиторий АТУ

Просмотр2. Факультет дизайна, технологии текстиля и одежды по теме "Analysis"

Просмотр2. Факультет дизайна, технологии текстиля и одежды по теме "Analysis"

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Baskimbayeva, T.A.; Danebergenov, Y.D.; Nurbay, S.K. (ATU, 2014)
    This study analysis the body sizes of Kazakhstan woman adults in order to categorize into 4 age groups. The sample size consisted of 1500 Kazakhstan females between the ages 18 and over 60 year. Most measurements items ...
  • Masteikaitė, V.; Sacevičienė, V.; Janulevičienė, D.; Igembayeva, G.; Nurzhasarova, M. (ATU, 2014)
    This study has been aimed at analyzing the fabrics of different characteristics drapes, considering the specimen shape which is similar to the garment part construction. Three wool and wool blended fabrics suitable for ...
  • Iztayeva, A.A.; Ongarbayeva, Z.B. (Almaty Technological University, 2016)
    In article four major factors and models of object of research of physic-mechanical properties of textile materials of special clothes are considered. Eight physic-mechanical indicators of textile materials have been as a ...

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