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Название: Main areas of innovation development in cotton production of Kazakhstan
Авторы: Dzholdasbayeva, G.K.
Taipov, T.A.
Mizanbekova, S.K.
Yepanchintseva, S.E.
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ATU
Серия/номер: МНПК;2016
Аннотация: . Cotton is one of the most valuable raw materials for production of industrial and food products. By its importance in the country's economy, it is on the same place with bread and other important types of raw materials, because it serves as a basis for production of goods of textile and clothing industry. Despite positive results of cotton processing industry development, there is no comprehensive and systematic approach to implementation of cotton processing industry development strategy. In this regard, addressing the issues of its economic and institutional transfer to industrial and innovative development in the coming years is of special scientific and practical significance for further development of cotton-textile industry. The article provides practical recommendations on improvement of the efficiency of cotton processing industry in Kazakhstan in interaction with producers of raw materials in terms of realization of industrial-innovative strategy. Keywords: cotton production, gross revenue, profitability, cotton processing enterprises, peasant (private) farms, machine-technological stations, product prices, merchandising, clusters, investments, competition.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1097
Располагается в коллекциях:1. Экономика и менеджмент

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