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Название: Influence of technological parameters of rolling in screw shaped rolls and longitudinal wedge mill on formation of nano structure in thin sheets from aluminum AD31 alloy
Другие названия: АД31 алюминий корытпасынан жасалған жүқа каңылтырларха нанокұрылымнын калыптас уына бұрандалы пішінбілік пен бойлык-сыналы орнакта илемдеудщ технологиялык параметрінің әсері
Влияние технологических параметров прокатки в винтообразных валках и продольно-клиновом стане на формирование наноструктур в тонких листах из алюминиевого сплава АД31
Авторы: Masliekov, S.A.
Absadykov, B.N.
Tusupkalieva, E.A.
Nurtazaev, A.E.
Masliekova, A.S.
Maulenova, M.R.
Ключевые слова: AD31
Technological parameters
Дата публикации: 2018
Издатель: ATU
Серия/номер: Scopus;
Аннотация: New technology for the production of sheet metal with a nanostracture is presented in the article. Screw-shaped roll was used to develop seene plastic deformation and therefore to obtain nanostructure. The stress-strain state (SSS) of the workpiece during rolling in screw-rolled rolls and longitudinal-wedge mill (LWM) was investigated. Finite element method and the MSC.SuperForge software were exploited to obtain quantitative data and establishthe main distribution regularities of SSS and temperature during modelling of rolling process in the screwshaped roll and LWM with different number of passes and single reduction. A rational technology of rolling of aluminum AD31 alloy has been developed andtested under the laboratory conditions. Analysis of the influence of the rolling modes m screw-shaped rolls and LWM on the formation of nanostructures m an aluminum AD31 alloy was m particular interest.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1407
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