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Просмотр по автору "Berdigaliuly, S."

Просмотр по автору "Berdigaliuly, S."

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  • Abzhanova, Sh.А.; Berdigaliuly, S.; Baimaganbetova, U. (Almaty technological university, 2014)
    This article shows the increase of the role of preventive nutrition in ecological situation, which is aimed at strengthening the protective powers of organism as well as at the reduce of the risk of the influence of ...
  • Abzhanova, Sh.; Baibolova, L.K.; Rskeldiev, B.A.; Berdigaliuly, S. (Almaty technological university, 2018)
    In this article is presented the technology of meat production products combined dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic purpose with an optimal calcium and iron. In modern conditions the development of market economy ...

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