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Просмотр по автору "Orymbetova, G.E."

Просмотр по автору "Orymbetova, G.E."

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  • Orymbetova, G.E.; Kassymova, M.K.; Orymbetov, E.M.; Azimova, S.T. (Almaty technological university, 2023-4)
    Among variety of food products, cheeses occupy one of the leading places. It is a concentrated protein product that is easily absorbed by body and has good organoleptic properties. The purpose of research is to develop ...
  • Utebaeva, A.A.; Alibekov, R.S.; Sysoeva, M.A.; Orymbetova, G.E.; Ablash, A.A.; Abish, ZH.A. (Almaty technological university, 2024-3)
    Industrial waste leads to pollution and deterioration of the environment, as well as harming the living population and animals. Whey, being a by-product of milk processing, is a source of protein and nitrogenous compounds, ...
  • Kassymova, M.K.; Alibekov, R.S.; Orymbetova, G.E.; Azimova, S.T. (Almaty technological university, 2024-3)
    The development strategy aimed at creating the independence of the use of our raw materials by domestic meat producers is currently achieving the following goals: building modern production facilities and introducing new ...

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