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Просмотр по автору "Ramazanov, A."

Просмотр по автору "Ramazanov, A."

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Ramazanov, A.; Suleimen, Zh. (2012)
    To ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise, its innovation activity must be continuous. Innovation processes should overlap each other in time (replacing innovation). In-novation activity is a basic condition ...
  • Ramazanov, A.; Matayevа, A.E. (2017)
    The hotel business, being one of the most personal sectors of the econo-my, is a highly saturated innovation industry. The introduction of innova-tive technologies has become a prerequisite for improving the competi-tiveness ...
  • Ramazanov, A.; Maksut, A.B. (2019)
    The international experience of the cluster policy in the field of tourism is characterized by the support of the institutional development of tourism clusters, the promotion of tourism products, and the attraction of ...

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