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Просмотр по автору "Dihanbaeva, F.T."

Просмотр по автору "Dihanbaeva, F.T."

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  • Uzakov, Y.M.; Dihanbaeva, F.T.; Matibayeva, A.I.; Dzhetpisbaeva, B.Sh. (Almaty technological university, 2015)
    This article presents evidence-based assessment of food and biological value of mutton. The content of amino acid composition of amino acids in protein hydrolyzed products of water, fractions in various cuts of lamb carcasses.
  • Dihanbaeva, F.T.; Zhetpisbaeva, B.Sh.; Matibayeva, A.I. (Almaty technological university, 2018)
    Adequate nutrition is the most important determinant of the human health. Taking into account this factor, development of the technology for special purpose dairy products based on camel milk using probiotic starter cultures ...

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