Просмотр коллекции по группе - По автору Aidosov, A.A.

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Отображение результатов 1 до 6 из 6
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Determination of the effect of emissions from stationary sources of OGPD "Zhaiykneft" on atmospheric air pollution degree of the industrial regionAidosov, A.A.; Aidosov, G.A.; Azhiev, G.I.; Zaurbekov, N.S.; Uazhanova, R.U.; Zaurbekova, N.D.; Zaurbekova, G.N.
2016Development of the information system for monitoring, modelprediction of changes in the quality of the environment and public health indicators of industrial region, studying the anatomical composition of pumpkins from useful components of flora for human healthAidosov, A.A.; Kizatova, M.J.
2015Integrated research pollution by harmful substances soil and water activities of the region ogm «zhayikoil»Aidosov, A.A.; Aidosov, G.A.; Azhieva, G.I.; Zaurbekov, N.S.; Zaurbekova, N.D.; Uazhanova, R.U.; Admayeva, A.M.
2017Justification of the structure observation network environment of the oil and gas sectorAidosov, A.A.; Azhieva, G.I.; Zaurbekov, N.S.; Zaurbekova, N.D.; Zaurbekova, G.N.; Uazhanova, R.U.
2015Justification of the structure observation network environment of the oil and gas sectorAidosov, A.A.; Azhieva, G.I.; Zaurbekov, N.S.; Zaurbekova, N.D.; Zaurbekova, G.N.; Uazhanova, R.U.
2015The Estimation of Height of the Mouth of the River of Sources and Influence of Building of Industrial Facilities at the Modelling of Pollution of the Atmosphere by the EmissionsAidosov, A.A.; Aidosov, M.A.; Zaurbekov, N.S.; Baibolova, L.K.; Admaeva, A.M.; Zaurbekova, Dzh.N.