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Отображение результатов 1 до 7 из 7
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Development of new mill design and outgoing roller table for hot rolling of thin stripsMashekov, S.A.; Absadykov, B.N.; Rakhmatulin, M.L.; Poleshchuk, A. I.; Alshynova, A.M.; Mashekova, A.S.; Smaylova, G.A.
2016Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Structure and Properties of Aluminum AlloysMashekov, S.A.; Tusupkalieva, E.A.; Mashekova, A.S.; Akimbekova, M.M.; Alshynova, A.M.; Sembayev, N.S.
2016Engineering of the combined process of punching the compressor blades with an estimate of the plasticity resource of the wrought alloyMashekov, S.A.; Mashekova, A.S.; Nurmukhanbetova, K.K.; Alshynova, A.M.; Sembayev, N.S.; Smaylova, G.A.
2016Improving the technology of blade punching made of titanium alloys by the calculation of degree of resource utilization plasticityMashekov, S.A.; Mashekova, A.S.; Nurmukhanbetova, K.K.; Alshynova, A.M.; Smaylova, G.A.; Bazhaev, N.A.
2020Problems of urban traffic organizations in a large city of the republic of kazakhstan (on the example of almaty)Murzakhmetova, U.A.; Sabraliev, N.S.; Alshynova, A.M.; Tundybaeva, E.Т.
2015Research on the Influence of Technological Forging Parameters on the Quality of Biphasic Titanium AlloysMashekov, S.A.; Smaylova, N.T.; Alshynova, A.M.; Mashekova, A.S.
2018The study of the quality of hot thin beams obtained by rolling on a longitudinal wedge millAlshynova, A.M.